Questions & Answers

User option to select which network UCNET should use

+1 vote
asked Jan 24, 2018 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by tommiller9 (310 points)

I am working with the StudioLive DAW Mode public beta on Windows 10. As I was trying to set it up, I learned that Studio One 3 binds UCNET to the default network that the host machine lists as the one connecting to the internet. On Windows 10, there is a virtual adapter (listed as vEthernet) that is not​ the physical adapter that the local machine is actually using to connect to the physical network, nor is it on the same IP network as the physical adapter. Here is a screenshot of my IP config:

While I am not on my studio network right now, this still illustrates the point. 

What I have to do is disable the vEthernet adapter, then restart Studio One 3, which then finds my physical adapter and thus (in this case) my StudioLive 32 Series 3 console. Additionally, I have to go through this exercise every time Windows is restarted, as the OS creates another instance of the vEthernet adapter, requiring me to go through this exercise each time I restart.

The ability to select a default adapter in Studio One 3 for UCNET to bind to--and set as default--would be incredibly helpful, especially for those using Windows 10.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 29, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer

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