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Heal Slices (or Glue / Merge / join / undo / unmake an audio split / separation)

+94 votes
asked Nov 24, 2017 in Editing by diapasonprodues (2,560 points)
edited Nov 24, 2017 by diapasonprodues

This is frustrating and the absolute only one thing I miss from Pro Tools: Heal separation.

When I have two audio events overlapping or crossfaded between each other and they are both events from the same audio file and they are both at the exact same timing (meaning no matter where you move the slice or crossfade without moving the events, it is the same), I should be able to make both events one again. Just like if I pressed undo right after slicing an audio.

I've seen this same thing asked by others at other places, like the forum, but I can't find anyone asking for it here!

It is different than "Merge to Audio Part" and "Merge Events" because these two create an audio part. (What's the difference anyway between those two?). With an Audio part I need to double click it to expand it to the edit window and edit those audio events in anyway. I can't see the actual splits and fades that are actually happening inside the "part" and can't use any of the inspector parameters or Event FX directly from the main window.

This really bugs me when I have accidentally left "Layers follow Events" on (I wish I could default that to off) and then all my layers get all messy and simply activating each layer and "Move to Origin" everything does not restore the correct view of layer choosing and leaves behind a mess of undesired slices!

Even though active layer matches audios from layers, they are not correctly highlighted because the slices break the highlighting feature somehow. And even though some of those slices are continuous pieces of the same audio files, there is unnecessary clutter everywhere as well as bad crossfades and silences created by error from "Layers follow events".

Even though active layer matches audios from layers, they are not correctly highlighted because the slices break the highlighting feature somehow. And even though some of those slices are continuous pieces of the same audio files, there is unnecessary clutter everywhere as well as bad crossfades and silences created by error from "Layers follow events".

Manually checking each event to see if it matches the next one, then deleting one event and moving the ends of the other is unpractical when there are so many slices and there will be a risk to accidentally delete something I didn't mean to.

7 Answers

+6 votes
answered Nov 27, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)
selected May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

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The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

+5 votes
answered May 5, 2018 by rafaelvillafane (610 points)
'Heal separation' as in PT would be more than convenient. Thank you!
+2 votes
answered Apr 17, 2019 by fschmidt (6,230 points)
If there is a scissors tool, then there needs to be a glue tool!

The scissors tool icon could look more obvious as well.
+5 votes
answered Jul 31, 2020 by blakealbinson (2,300 points)
Yes please! I also very much miss this from Pro Tools. When you do a lot of audio editing, there are many instances when this is useful. To clear up clutter, when the tracks are still in the pre-merge/pre-bounce stage. I don't want to have to clear one of the adjoining events and resize the other one, only to have to recreate fades on the other side (sometimes multiple different ones on drums).
+3 votes
answered May 31, 2021 by mikesupina (6,610 points)
Coming from Pro Tools, I concur about this. It's a very practical feature to have when you have a split and crossfade on an event that would otherwise be the same event. This happens in drum editing sometimes, among other things. Very nice feature to have to clean up the events before merging/consolidating.
0 votes
answered Jan 22, 2024 by DavidMaurand (510 points)
If you have a sliced track, select the pieces you want spliced, then hit G. The sliced bits don't have to abut - but it if there is anything between, they will become part of the slice.
0 votes
answered May 29, 2024 by ghianwright (650 points)
I hear you, brother!! Also, like when you send a region to Sample One/Impact, you HAVE to separate it first. Just want to actually heal it after, or better, just require selection, not separation. Terrible for OCD.

"gluing" it after is not the same, its just visual.

Only Other thing I miss in S1 is VARI-FI!!!

come on guys---default V to verify, just like instant Reverse is now!