Questions & Answers

Studiolive 24.4.2ai not connecting to Mac

+2 votes
asked Jan 25, 2018 in Ai Mixers by tylermaynard2 (170 points)
I am trying to connect a Studiolive 24.4.2ai mixer to a mac via firewire. I have downloaded the latest Universal Control 2.5 and the firmware on the mixer says SL 1.0.9194. Is this the proper firmware to go with the UC 2.5? If I check in the system profiler on the computer, it is recognizing that the Studiolive is connected via firewire, but it is not showing up as an audio device. The screen on the Universal Control is also ghosted out. I must be missing some sort of driver somewhere to make them be able to talk to one another.

In the system information on the Studiolive, it also says "No Driver-Unlinked"

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 26, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

Apple have made changes in how our drivers are installed. Please see the following for installation Issues with FireStudio Series on High Sierra Mac OSX 10.13

Answers Article:

Knowledge Base Link:

Please note that the warning on the first screen shot may not show unless you uninstall and reinstall Universal Control.

When you download Universal Control please run the uninstaller and then restart your computer and then run the installer. Then you need to go to “Settings” —> “Securities & Privacy”

Now, before you click the Allow button, ensure that you "unlock" the page so that you can change these settings.

You will only have 30mins from the time you install Universal Control to give the exception required to install.  

0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2018 by gbam55 (370 points)
This is also a problem for the RM series
0 votes
answered Mar 8, 2018 by hgalidsfolkhgskola (190 points)

I have the same problems as you describe with firewire not communicating with my MacBook Pro.

The problem you describe: "The screen on the Universal Control is also ghosted out" I managed to solve in the mixers system menue page 5 where it says "Permissions". Check that your computer or iPad shows up in "Device" and set "Mix" to FOH and "Other" to "Ch reset". That should solve the problem since this is a network issue and not a firewire issue.

Hope it works for you, it did for me. Hopefully someone sends a sollution to the firewireproblem so I can record via firewire to Capture.


0 votes
answered Apr 2, 2018 by gonzaloemartinez (140 points)
I do have the same problem... New MacBook Pro and it is not detecting the StudioLive