Questions & Answers

Beginner question about digital snakes

+1 vote
asked Jan 26, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by loukasnikas (180 points)
I am trying to buy a complete setup with a SL III console and a digital snake. After a hours of searching i couldn't find

1) if RML16ai is compatible with SL III

2) Do i have to buy something else to connect SL III with RML or SLIII 16R

3) Is it possible to use SLiii 24R on SLiii 16 and have 24 usable channels

4) if i could use digital snakes other than presonus and if you could name some of them.

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 28, 2018 by markgreiner (2,500 points)
selected Jan 28, 2018 by loukasnikas
Best answer
1. No

2. Still no.  The "ai" and RML use a different AVB than the SLIII.

3. Yep.  The numbers (16, 24, and 32) refer to the number of preamps on the unit. They're all 32 inside.

4. I've had some luck using MOTU products with the SL III.  I think they have a digital snake, but I haven't tried it, so I wouldn't be able to recommend it or any other snake.  I just picked up the PreSonus 32R and using that as a stagebox.  However, PreSonus just announced new network stageboxes that run over AVB.