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Studiolive32 series III sound drops for about 2 seconds and back on again

0 votes
asked Mar 3, 2024 in StudioLive Series III by LawrenceBoateng2984 (150 points)

I just purchased studiolive 32s series III about 6 months ago. I have been experiencing sound drops for 2 to 3 seconds randomly in the middle of performance. this issue is really frustrating and embarrassing especially when we have guest artist. can PreSonus help with this, or anyone who have answers. We don't use it for livestream, so it is not going through a computer, is just mixer connected to PreSonus NSB 32.16 stage box. everything cuts out completely for about 2 seconds and back on again.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 11, 2024 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
selected Mar 13, 2024 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
We experienced a similar issue with our setup (but using a 32SC).  

1.  Is the firmware updated on the 32S and the 32.16 NSB?  The most recent firmware (Jan. 2024 for the consoles) fixes some network issues.  Make sure the firmware is upgraded on all components!

2.  Your Cat cable should be at least a Cat-5e.  If it is not at least a Cat-5e signal drop-outs will occur a lot.  We use all Cat-6a Ethercon.

3.  Is your Cat cable a shielded cable?  Our fix to the drop-outs we were having was to convert the Cat cable to a non-shielded cable.  We removed the shield (the ground) from one side of the cable (and kept the other side connected).  The problems we were having were related to signal grounding issues between the console and the stage-box.  Once we removed (disabled) the ground on the cable, the problems went away.  The issue was easily identified when someone would touch the console or the NSB... or a microphone!  Shielded cable is fine, but it is not needed for every setup.