Questions & Answers

How long does PreSonus plan to supporting the Studio 1824 USB Interface ?

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asked Jan 29, 2018 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by jamesmerrill1 (120 points)

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how long PreSonus plans to provide support and development (driver and OS support) for the new Studio 1824 USB Interface once it is released .

I had purchased a FirePod in early 2006 to replace my Gina Interface after it would no longer work after OS upgrade to Windows XP.

The FirePod soon became the FP-10 and was supported through XP and Windows 7. It is now a discontinued product and was not developed further.

Since upgrading to Windows 10, it has continued to work with a few glitches. Every time Windows Updates, it changes the drivers from the ASIO drivers to WDM drivers. The only way to resolve this issue is to re-install the drivers. What started as a simple annoyance has become increasingly more frequent and with the latest Windows updates, it is unable to write the majority of the required files. My FirePod has served me well for 12 years in my home studio, but it is time to upgrade.

I have been looking at the Studio 192, great specs, but really a lot more than what I personally need. The Studio 1824, from my understanding, is a new addition to the Studio USB line and is comparable to what I currently have. There is a $300 difference between the two, not a big deal, I just don't want to buy something, and in a year, it is discontinued.

Any thoughts or info on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.