Questions & Answers

I wanted to vote YES!

+2 votes
asked Feb 10, 2018 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by phungerford (140 points)
I'm looking to replace my StudioLive 16.4.2  Home recording only, but hae many mics, amps, etc.  This would be great to connect Faderport 16 to mixer.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 8, 2018 by tvonsv (1,810 points)
edited Mar 8, 2018 by tvonsv

So, from the question you linked, I'm assuming you're talking about using a Faderport as a control surface for a StudioLive Series III console, probably through UC Surface (just clarifying, since I wasn't sure from reading your post the first time).

Then, please be sure to check the following request and to give it your vote. It requests precisely this feature and, with its 30ish votes, it's our best chance to see this happening!
