Every time I try to vote - which, by the way, is a very "user unfriendly", lazy and shiftless concept for PreSonus to require of consumers before they can get any consideration of their requests and/or product concerns, several of which are just basic recording features ("sound-on-sound") one would expect to have that are sorely lacking in the software - I am prompted to sign in. Why, when I am already signed in?
Then, being already signed in with no option to do this again, I am unable to vote. I mean, c'mon! REALLY?!?
Also, I cannot find answers anywhere to questions I have that would seem very obvious and basic to certain operations, such as: How does one add an effect to only a section of a track, for instance, a drum break, when 'volume' and 'pan' appear to be the only useful options in Automation? (Wouldn't it make sense to just be able to drop it in on the selected track section? Instead, when you do this, the entire track is affected. ) I've searched the User's Manual, Instructional Videos, Knowledge Base and the Forums. The information simply isn't there. Anything I've seen, thus far, that resembles a useful answer involves a complicated and convoluted process that seems completely unfamiliar to me, and I have been using digital stand-alone recorders and computer-based recording since 1979, and analog recorders for several years before this.
Sorry to "rant", but it is not a small investment to keep up on these updates. The least PreSonus can do is make improvements based upon what's lacking from any normal recording environment and not have to "wait" to see which Forum Users win the "popularity contest" before improving the product. (Studio One 4 Pro)
MAC IOS Catalina v.10.15.4
iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, Late 2015)
Processor: 3.1 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory: 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3
Graphics: Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200 1536 MB
PreSonus StudioOne 4 Professional v4.6.1 build 55987