Questions & Answers

"Script folder not found" on macOS 10.13, APFS formated disk

+2 votes
asked Feb 13, 2018 in Studio One 3 by peterrsnen (300 points)

Studio one 3 Professional 3.5.5 does not find script folder (/applications/Studio One upon opening the program in "APFS" formated boot disk. When you go to the location provided, it exists in a given location, and has following files (audioedit.package, musicedit.package, projectedit.package, toolset.package, trackedit.package and voodoo.package).

When opened from the installation disk image (PreSonus Studio One 3.dmg) Which is formated to "Mac OS Extended" filesystem, the program opens normally, and does not give error that it does not find the script folder. When the same location is opened in the app inside the installation disk, it has same following files inside the "scripts" folder: (audioedit.package, musicedit.package, projectedit.package, toolset.package, trackedit.package and voodoo.package).

I have tested older versions (3.5.3), and re-installed and re-downloaded the app (3.5.5) in case there was isntallation or download error, but the results where same. Also have rebooted the computer several times.

Hardware details:

Your Computer Make and Model: Apple iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2011)
Operating System and Version: 10.13.3 (17D47)
Application Version: 3.5.5 Build 45892
Audio Interface and it's Driver Version Focusrite Scralett 18i8 [1st gen] V.2.60

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Feb 17, 2018 by peterrsnen (300 points)
Best answer

Fixed it. My new file system is APFS case sensitive, so when studio one tried to search "Scripts" it didnt find it cause the folder is actually "scripts". Changed the folder name from "scripts" to "Scripts" and it works all fine.

0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2018 by peterrsnen (300 points)

On the left is the app from the installer disk image, and on the left is from the APFS boot disk.

On the left is the app from the installer disk image (working perfectly) and on the left is the same app from the APFS boot disk ( "Script folder not found" error)
