Questions & Answers

How do I network my StudioLive AI-series console mixer using the PreSonus WF-150 WiFi LAN adapter?

0 votes
asked Feb 21, 2018 in Ai Mixers by wesley (5,600 points)
How do I connect to my wireless network using the PreSonus WF-150 Wireless LAN adapter and my StudioLive AI-series console mixer (16.4.2AI, 24.4.2AI, 32.4.2AI)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 21, 2018 by wesley (5,600 points)
Best answer

StudioLive AI-series console mixers provide you with two choices of connecting to a wireless router. You can either connect it directly to the router using an Ethernet cable or connect it wirelessly using the PreSonus WF-150 USB Wi-Fi adapter. It is important to mention that the StudioLive AI-series console mixer does not support hot-swapping the Wi-Fi adapter. It must be connected when you boot up your mixer
to use it. Also, the WF-150 adapter is the only LAN adapter supported for use with the StudioLive AI-series console mixer. If a direct Ethernet connection to a network connection is available, the Wi-Fi adapter will not scan for additional networks.

For more applications, PreSonus recommends connecting your StudioLive AI-series mixer directly to your wireless router using an Ethernet cable. However, in instances where this is not possible, you can use the WF-150 adapter as follows:

1. Press the System button on your StudioLive to open the System menu. Page down to Page 2: Network.

2. Use the Value Encoder to scroll through the available networks. If you are connecting your StudioLive directly to your Wi-Fi router with an Ethernet cable, you will only see one Network.









3. If your network has a password (recommended), press Next to navigate to the Password field and use the Value encoder and Next button to enter the password. Please Note: the StudioLive only supports WPA and WPA2 security.









4. When you are done, press the Store button to connect to the network. Every time you turn on your StudioLive AI-series console mixer, it will look for this network and attempt to connect to it.
