Questions & Answers

Why can't I get QWERTY keyboard to trigger Impact sounds, but it triggers MaiTai, etc?

–1 vote
asked Mar 1, 2018 in Studio One 3 by timvannatta (230 points)
I'm hoping someone can help me.  I configured my QWERTY keyboard to trigger midi sounds by adding it as an external device.  It works fine for Mai Tai, etc.  I can press my QWERTY keys and hear the sounds in Studio One. But when I use a QWERTY  keyboard for Impact, the keys light up but NO sounds. At all.  I have monitoring enabled. I've tried deleting and readding the keyboard, etc.

What else can I do to use the QWERTY keyboard? Thanks in advance for your help.

I'm running Windows 10, 64 bit, v. of Studio One 3 Artist.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2018 by Orlandoyellowjacket (190 points)
First of all, I have to say it was a Royal Pain In the @$$ to get the QWERTY keyboard to work. There are no instructions that work. I still can't make it work on my Dell laptop.  On my imac, here's how I made it work (but it is intermittent...some days it doesn't work):

Open Studio One

Before opening a song, click Configure External Devices. Click Add. Select Presonus QWERTY keyboard.

Click "Create New Song"

Drag an instrument from the right side of the screen onto the middle. For example, click Instruments, select a guitar sound and drag it to the left. Let go of the mouse. It creates a track with that instrument.

Change the input of that instrument to QWERTY keyboard  (AT the left, for that track,Under the word "presence" or "mojito"Click on Presence, then select QWERTY Keyboard form the drop-down menu.

At the top left, find the second black rectangle from the top left, and click on the DOWN arrow (a little triangle at the bottom-right of the black rectangle). A popup appears, with QWERTY buttons. Do not click on them. Instead, press the buttons on your keyboard (for example, Q,W, 5,6 etc.) they should make sounds.  

Arm the track. Click the Record button.  Press the QWERTY buttons to record sounds.
0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2018 by timvannatta (230 points)

That worked! Thank you! I appreciate the help because I would have never figured that out on my own.