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closed COMPLETED: Select and Edit Multiple Pads in Impact

+30 votes
asked Mar 3, 2018 in Completed Feature Requests by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
recategorized Mar 3, 2023 by Fabian Kiesewetter
Please allow users to select multiple drum pads in Impact and adjust a setting on all selected pads.

For example, assigning them all to the same output, the same group (for cymbal chokes etc), or setting multiple pads to one-shot mono/poly.

Additionally, if multiple pads are selected settings like transpose, the volume settings, the filter settings, etc should be editable as well. So you could bring the volume down on all your samples (super common since all sample manufacturers sample their drums up at -1 dbFS), pitch up or down a whole group of drums, or adjust their cutoff for example.

Graphically I’m seeing maybe a combination of a marquee box when clicking and the ability to use a mouse modifier to add/subtract pads from the selection. That would probably be the best way to select multiple pads.

It's a simple change but would save a lot of time. I looked through the various FRs but didn't see anything about this yet.
closed with the note: This was completed

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 27, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered May 12, 2018 by cristianomello (640 points)
If you look carefully above the amp of impact there is two trigger fields: 1st and 2nd, just set the same note of another pad in 1st and press it, you wiil see both pads pumping :)
+1 vote
answered May 24, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Unfortunately not added in Impact XT but it would be great if they added it in subsequent point releases!

Graphically allowing the user to marquee a range of pads would be a nice way to approach it.

Cristianomello, thanks for the tip on layering pads :) But it doesn’t allow you to edit multiple pads settings at once
+3 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by stevenicel (3,930 points)
This is sorely needed for a more user friendly creation workflow. I can't speak for others, but every custom kit I make has me trimming the output gain by 8-12dB. Manually changing every pad by the same amount is such a time waste. I can't tell by all the current SO4 hype, but it doesn't look like this is yet possible in the version 4 release. Hopefully I'm wrong. Voted Up.
0 votes
answered May 31, 2018 by tarsonis (3,220 points)
Well seems like a dublicate of this:

Actually I was looking for a FR for a Global Gain in Imapct. Not really the same but it relates. If one adds and slice a loop most of the time it clips in red in the first plugin. Gainstaging all pads one by one is ridiculous. The gain tool works but its not that elegant as to just gaining the source
0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2019 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
this request was completed/implemented somewhere between 4 and 4.5