Questions & Answers

Better Impact XT Channel and Multi Instrument Channel

+10 votes
asked Jan 4, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by anubhavukil (8,520 points)

We all know how beautifully intuitive the Multi Instruments plugin is. You load a multi instrument and everything is set up for you. All the Instruments have their own output channel. The actual channel, on which the Multi Instrument is, acts like a Bus and a Folder combined. It is absolutely stunning. 

Although it will be really nice addition, if you drag and drop an effect on a particular Instrument in the Multi Instrument editor window, then, that effect will be added as an insert on the channel on which that particular Instrument is. Holding [Alt/Option] while dragging and dropping will create an FX send and holding [Alt/Option] + [Shift] while dragging and dropping will create a Bus Send.

It will be great if the same kind of behavior is found when we load Sample One XT. So, the Channel on which we insert Impact XT, will act like a bus and folder combined much like the Multi Instrument Channel. Depending on whether the pads are Mono or Stereo, the outputs of that Pad will be either mono or Stereo. Dragging and dropping an effect on a pad will ensure that, that effect is inserted on the associated Channel. Holding [Alt/Option] while dragging and dropping will create an FX send and holding [Alt/Option] + [Shift] while dragging and dropping will create a Bus Send. This way, Impact One will actually have a lot of IMPACT indeed.
