Questions & Answers

Downloading Bundle Sounds impossible .

–1 vote
asked Nov 30, 2015 in Notion by musikkaktus (190 points)
Notion and iMac:

Downloading Bundle Sounds impossible . What does the error message " Parsing the response not possible " mean? What should I do?

In German: Das Herunterladen der  Bundle Sounds ist nicht möglich. Was bedeutet die Fehlermeldung "Parsen der Antwort nicht möglich"? Was soll ich tun?

commented Nov 30, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Which Sound Set are you trying to download?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
Can you try a different browser for download? It may be related to that.
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2015 by musikkaktus (190 points)
edited Nov 30, 2015 by musikkaktus
Percussion Bundle, String Bundle and Woodwind Bundle.

The other instruments could be downloaded peculiar way . Only not the three aforementioned .

@ matthewgorman:  I only know the Safari browser for the iMac . But I'll look on the internet , if there are any other browsers . Thanks for the note .

Retrying Firefox browser : Failed
0 votes
answered Dec 5, 2015 by TonyGB (240 points)

Your issues may be related to those I experienced with an iMac and the latest Studio One 3.

As I anticipated my Mac problems have been resolved by Presonus support informing me that they have moved the Studio One content downloads to a higher priority location yesterday.   

That declared action must have been implemented because I am now able to obtain all the 36GB of Studio One 3 content for my iMac.

For detail of my issues see the Studio One 3 section of this forum:

Are content download problems for Mac’s recognised and what active steps are being taken to eradicate it ? 



0 votes
answered Dec 5, 2015 by musikkaktus (190 points)
Hi TonyGB ,

 I had a Technical Support . They gave me the opportunity the Sounds of Notion as individual sounds download mauell . Although cumbersome , but it works . Thanks for your answer!
