Questions & Answers

Why is there no sounds available for notion and I can't download the the bundle instruments due to network issues.

0 votes
asked Apr 4, 2021 in Notion by williefoster2 (120 points)
Can't download the bundle of instruments, citing network issues, and no sound from the notion software.

1 Answer

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answered Apr 4, 2021 by wesleypeterson (21,060 points)
Well, the bundled instruments that you're having network issues are the sounds that come with notion, so without them or 3rd party VSTs you have no synths to make sound (my.presonus > products > notion 6 -- more details.) I checked and I have no issues downloading bundled sounds. You can use other VST's for sound, VST2s (VST3s are not compatible). To check things out a bit you might want to look at something like Spitfire Labs, they're free synths by Spitfire and some of them are pretty **** good You would need to install the Spitfire plugin to browse and add different Labs Synths but it might be worth checking out.