Questions & Answers

Input from RD2000 coming from AUD Apollo 8 via thunderbolt

–1 vote
asked Mar 4, 2018 in Studio One 3 by scottparkis (110 points)
UAD apollo 8 via thunderbolt is seen in S1v3.

RD2000 is monitored on same Mac in UAD console.

So RD2000 -> UAD -> Mac and Monitors(Mon L/R in UAD) work fine. What is the process for setting up S1v3 so it sees my keyboard coming in through UAD. And routes the output back out to the UAD which send to Monitors.

I can set the Audio In.Out to UAD in S1 but I cannot control the lines.channels in there to get any input in the DAW.

So Input should be from RD2000 via UAD Lines5/6 (TRS) via Thunderbolt to MAC.

Output from DAW should be to UAD to via Thundbolt to UAD and then UAD handles Output to Monitors.

Very new to the whole world of audio.