Questions & Answers

FX Bin on Track View

+1 vote
asked Mar 26, 2018 in Studio One 3 by macthesword (830 points)
It would be great to have an FX Bin right on the track pane for each track. This would allow you to quickly see what FX are on each track as well as drag an effect from one to the other. Sonar has this and makes life with FX a bit easier

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 26, 2018 by DrummaMan (3,350 points)
Cake called them FX bins, here in SOP, they call them inserts...

...and you can click and drag from one track to another...just like Sonar.
+1 vote
answered Jul 31, 2018 by macthesword (830 points)
Yes but when looking at the tracks in track view, in Sonar you can see all the FX for multiple tracks at once as the bin is in the Track pane. In Studio One it would be located directly under the Audio/MIDI Icon in each track description. Since you view multiple track panes at once you can see the FX for each one at once. It would be really nice