I come from protools background, did some testing with Studio One 3 and 4 - a couple of my remarks :
First of all, 4.1.1 doesn't fix plugin detection issue (with any nvidia drivers). I think it has something to do with pluginscanner.exe being an external thing now (I don't know why you made it this way). I hope you can do some throughout testing with different Windows 7 SP1 computers to fix that (there is not a force in this world which would make me switch to Windows 10). I don't have a clue what a music program has to do with gfx drivers (I would understand if it was about 3D rendering or something).
It would be cool if you gave an option that when you right click a clip you can adjust metronome to it's length (like formula overherehttp://mp3.deepsound.net/eng/samples_calculs.php which would be BPM=60/(LengthInSeconds/4)
I would appreciate scrolling with shift on metronome allowing 0.01 precision changes (also optional 0.0001 range for metronome wouldn't hurt).
It would be very nice to be able to have two time counters visible at the same time - bars and seconds.
Protools midi live stuff is awesome - nondestructible, allows you to test things quickly, it would be great to have it in Studio One (now it's not live, you have to click apply and check/undo/change/apply/undo/change/apply...etc etc etc...). I have mapped 1 and 2 keys to change preset and 3 and 4 to octave up/down macro but it still is destructive (also right click "transpose" could have octave number instead of semitones only - now I have to enter 12 or 24 which is tedious). Maybe just add there also live humanizing and note lenghtening / velocity math operations like in PT ( % besides + - is nice for changing dynamics).
Lack of protools style loop creation Ctrl+L with manual numeric entry "Number of loops"/"Loop length"/"Loop until End of the Session or Next Clip" is superannoying as you have to do some copying pasting counting it in mind just like sheeps before falling asleep - NOT professional... Also drag the end of clip with Shift or Ctrl could activate "create loop range" - with snapping it would be georgous (also there could be "created bars" counter visible somewhere during this).
I like protools keyboard shortcut number-determined lenghtening/shortening clip's beginning/end - great for working with samples. Now you have to make some ultra zoom and drag which isn't accurate. Similarly Alt+Shift+ArrowLeft/Right could nudge by user specified value (now you are forced to nudge bars), the same with slip with different keys.
Another thing - snap options should be visible all all the time (not a drop down menu - besides unhandiness I don't see if events/grid is activated - again in PT you see it all right away). I lack VERY much "shuffle" mode like in protools - arranging track is pain in the a**, kicks you out of flow as you have to make space earlier, move clip, fix hole and then select all clips until the end and move it back in event snap mode - dozens of clicks instead of one. Maybe dragging clip with Shift could act like "Move w/Insert" (just like Alt+D is Duplicate and Insert). Alt+Shift+Drag = Copy and Insert.
I like that you are not forced to have max 10 fx per track like in protools, anyway I miss the possibility to see all of them for all tracks in the same time (it would be cool to be able to activate "track fx view" - my visualisation here (effects could wrap in columns according to view width)
As compressor is always the last one it would be cool to be able to freeze it's position as the last, so nothing comes up after it. Maybe some right click and changing it's font to italic to signalize it?
Very important - muting track should temporarily deactivate all inserts in it so it doesn't eat cpu (and turn on back when unmuting). I see in cpu meter that muting tracks doesn't free cpu.
I didn't have time to check this - does Studio One create autoxfades automatically? In protools you can set it in options (like 10 ms) - I guess it would be proper to have this available in Song Setup in Studio One.
It would very profitable for you in long shot if you allowed optional use of 32 bits plugins (some exist only in this way, developers died and we won't ever have 64bits). jBridge works great, maybe you could incorporate this as inbuilt functionality with remark "use at your own risk" (and a checkbox to temporarily deactivate all 32 bit vsts).