Questions & Answers

Track width on Console view

0 votes
asked Jan 5, 2018 in Studio One 3 by sghose (700 points)
When I expand on Console view all the tracks and Busses are expanded.

But when I click to make them narrow, all tracks are narrowed except 1 track.

Even after restarting Studio One the same scenario remains.



3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 5, 2018 by jonnylipsham (14,860 points)
If Channel 1 is selected, and the inserts/send section is open at the time you collapse the view for the mixer, it can remain expanded so that you can add inserts or set up sends. Just deselect the channel, or select another one, and all should be normal.
0 votes
answered Jan 5, 2018 by sghose (700 points)
Thank You Jonny,

But I have deselected the said track, selected other tracks but it remained same.

After that I duplicated the track, moved the content of the track to the duplicated one and removed the said track.

Now I expanded, inserted on the new track now seems to be everything normal. I cannot reproduce the scenario.


+7 votes
answered Mar 5, 2019 by doncolga (320 points)
If any strip is still wide, just double click it and it will narrow.