Questions & Answers

MIDI Cymbal swells have gone very quiet for no apparent reason

+1 vote
asked Mar 26, 2018 in Studio One 3 by callumtuffen (190 points)
Hello, I recently bought Studio One and have been having a play around with stuff on there.  I started a project tonight and added some cymbal swells through midi sounds (Artist instruments>Percussion>Orchestra Batterie).  

I found the sound I was looking for and added it to my project. Everything was sounding good, so I saved it and closed down Studio one.  When I relaunched it, my cymbal swells have now gone ridiculously quiet, but the rest of the cymbals on the same midi instrument, are at the same volume they were before.  My cymbal swells have gone a lot quieter compared with the cymbal hits for no apparent reason, when I've relaunched a previous project.

Does anyone know what might have happened, sorry I'm a noob with this.


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 27, 2018 by callumtuffen (190 points)
It's a bug, I just tested it.  

I made a new project and used the same midi samples, saved the file then closed it.

When relaunched, it makes certain midi samples very quiet, no idea why.
0 votes
answered Mar 27, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Thanks for working on reproducing it! The Answers part of the site is for operational help and feature requests - now that you've got a bug nailed down, please open a Support Ticket through the Support section of the site. That's the section for technical assistance and bug reporting.

Try to send them the info, steps, and any files you're working with that will help them reproduce/duplicate the issue. I've had good success sending them screen captures with LICE Cap.

From my experience, they're pretty good at logging the bugs for the developers. They can only fix so many per version, but once they're confirmed and in the system they will get fixed.

If you've already sent a ticket disregard this :) I just like to mention it because for a while I didn't realize that the support ticket system was for bug reporting.