Questions & Answers

Audiobox Usb headphones only playing back in mono

+2 votes
asked Mar 29, 2018 in AudioBox USB by Jereme (170 points)
Hi, I am having a problem with my songs only playing in mono out when using my audio box usb.

However when I plug my boss GT-1 into the computer it plays back the songs nicely in stereo (which is what I want the Audio box to do too).

I am using the headphone jack output on Audiobox usb if that makes any difference.

I am using Studio 1 and the system is running on Windows 10 64 bit if that makes any difference.

any help would be nice, thanks.

2 Answers

–3 votes
answered Apr 11, 2018 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer
Usually this is due to recording and or monitoring via a mono track inside of Studio One. You would need to use a " Y " cable to split the signal from the pedal into both inputs on the AudioBox as well as set up your tracks in Studio One to record in Stereo.
+3 votes
answered Mar 13, 2021 by glennfarrington (250 points)
I have the same problem. I was listening to my monitors and it was in stereo. I plugged in my headphones in the back of my Audiobox USB96, and the were Mono. Never had this problem ever. The suggestion was to use a "Y" cable, but why? Studio One is not running and I have not used it for a week. I just updated S.O. 5 to 5.2. Would this cause the problem? I really wanted to check out my new BD 770 Pro, and now I can't. Plugging it straight into the laptop does not provide the impedance I want.