You need to use your AudioBox as "Ready" usually AusioBox 1/2 or 3/4/ or 7/8 , depending on your audiobox model,,
Try reinstalling the audiobox driver software (not studioone) ,, Download the latest driver from your MyPresonus account..
Before you run the install exe, right click, properties, COmpatability Tab, Choose Win 8 and "Run as Admin",,
Then run the audiobox exe install,,, Then choose the audiobox.exe file and right click properties, same path as above and make sure it's in compatibility mode Win 8 and Run as Administrator.
Do the same Compatibility Mode for Studio One exe file,,, location C:/Program Files/PreSonus/Studio One 3/Studio One.exe
If that doesn't work, Reinstall S1 latest version from MyPresonus account,,the 64bit download,, Hopefully your using S13,not S12,, and prior to install, set compatibility mode..
Now,, you should not have to use compatibility mode for S13, but your having issues,,
If that fails, start a support ticket,,