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closed Track Notes [Completed 4.0]

+662 votes
asked Dec 2, 2015 in Completed Feature Requests by bobbyphillipps (1,790 points)
closed May 24, 2018 by AlexTinsley

I'd love a spot to add track notes, i.e. noting what mics, amps, or guitars were used on a particular track.


Closed Duplicate Requests:

47 votes:

10 votes:

closed with the note: Completed Feature Request

22 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 24, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

Delivered with Version 4.0

Open Inspector to see click on Notes Icon. 

asked Jun 5, 2019 in Studio One 4 by brucegoldish (120 points) How to ADD/EDIT track/song notes?
+1 vote
answered Dec 3, 2015 by federicosilva (4,610 points)
This would be very helpful indeed. I'm currently using a vst plugin for that which is not the best.
+1 vote
answered Jan 7, 2016 by Rico Sergeant (990 points)
I really would love to have this added.
+1 vote
answered Jan 9, 2016 by Awake1994 (2,040 points)
sry, wrong request ;9
+3 votes
answered Feb 5, 2016 by Scoox (17,290 points)
this would be a nice little addition indeed, and not only on tracks but also clips and instrument presets
+1 vote
answered Feb 26, 2016 by C.LYDE (820 points)
Agreed. My additional requirement is that the note must be able to drop in on the timeline. In the absence of any score editor, one has to go external for capturing any sort of note to go with a song or arrangement, and please sometimes we need to write quite a bit, so a few characters in the Arrangement or Marker Track is not sufficient.
+33 votes
answered Mar 15, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
I would also like to see an included " Studio NoteBook " that one can open in a separate window and also within S1. So that not only can you make tiny notes about gear, you can also take and keep a much more detailed record of gear, session notes, ideas for the particular song/project, track time worked on song per session and also any client notes/wants/expectations. Including the ability to save all this important data, directly attached to the very session/song/project that it is associated with.

-Ability to print all notes

-Ability to edit notes as well as show edits

-Ability to have said Studio NoteBook open on a separate monitor and or iPad ( via the S1 iPad App ) to allow for accessing both the work and the notes at the same time.
+16 votes
answered Mar 17, 2016 by chancekaye (3,340 points)
This is low-hanging fruit, i.e. could be implemented w/o a lot of work but brings so much bang for the buck. Please Presonus!
0 votes
answered Mar 30, 2016 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
I use an event and wirte all the notes in it for the specific track and put it on the scratchpad

--> so where is the problem with this solution?
0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2016 by Revengineer (590 points)
Seriously, I was just dying on this last night. Given that take/layer naming is totally unpredictable, when comping I'd love to be able to put a quick note on the layer so I know which "take 1" I just listened to. but any free form text editor that could be pinned at the user's discretion would be a stellar feature.
+7 votes
answered May 12, 2016 by benpasley (390 points)
For me just a simple text Notes panel in the Browser area, saved per song,  would be killer. Great place for session notes, lyrics, ideas, etc. I used this in Logic, back in the day, on every session.
0 votes
answered May 14, 2016 by sirmonkey (2,730 points)
Here's a free vst that will let you put down notes as you please, in any track. You can, of course, also use as many instances of this notepad per track as desired.
+1 vote
answered Apr 30, 2017 by musicmould (1,870 points)

In Logic there was a notepad and track notes - and the great thing was that you could print it as well.

I always kept the lyrics in the notepad so I could 1) print it out for the vocalist when recording and also 2) be able to have it on screen and follow it while recording to make sure the vocalist sing the right lyrics. It's a simple thing but crazy handy.
+1 vote
answered Jun 1, 2017 by rob12 (690 points)

Go to the top Menu bar > Song > Song Information > (2 Tabs) Info/Notes

0 votes
answered Aug 8, 2017 by gottfriedbergmair (16,530 points)
This feature would be really helpful!

My feature list for text notes:  1) Song (already implemented, maybe integrated in the browser tab),  2) Track notes,  3) User created/changed presets (more room, additional to the current short text line) and  4) text notes for user created audio files

features: header, timestamp and text;

simple text search, maybe the ability to search explicit for [tracks, presets, all notes, within date and time]

and a simple raw text export (you can print and format the text with windows/mac tools)

Very cool would be the ability to searching text from the start page (search in all songs)
+3 votes
answered Sep 20, 2017 by ray19335 (2,800 points)

Here is my suggestion: add an option to view "Show Track Notes" command at the channel level. It could look something like this

When set to 'on' you can add your notes for mics, instruments, etc. right where you set up the recording.

Later, a project-wide view could show all your notes in one place and it could even have a way to add a picture of a setup used for that ttrack 

+1 vote
answered Dec 9, 2017 by andreasschwabe1 (1,290 points)
A note pad per song is the ONLY thing I miss from SONAR. I would think it's a fairly easy addition (more complex if you want to make it really helpful).
+1 vote
answered Jan 19, 2018 by neiljordan1 (18,500 points)
Definitely want to see this, especially if we could get an overall Song Notes section too - just a monospaced text box to capture to-do notes, lyrics, tabs, etc. That is one of the few features I miss from GarageBand, and would also give S1 yet another edge over Pro Tools.
+3 votes
answered Jan 22, 2018 by benpasley (390 points)

As a songwriter one of my favorite features in Logic is the Notes pane available for each song. Cut and paste in your lyrics, chords, etc. and work all in one space. In S1 I have to flip back and forth between hitting the record button and reading lyrics on a separate program, painful. Just thought I would offer it up as an great composition solution for writers!

0 votes
answered Mar 13, 2018 by chrisschutte1 (990 points)

Scanned through this thread, just wanted to point out this. It's a VST plugin notepad. and it's free.

Hope you all have a great week! 

+1 vote
answered Apr 6, 2018 by philangus (10,160 points)
I'm sure I have seen a 3rd party plugin for this but I would much rather have a built in one that works as it should.
–1 vote
answered Apr 23, 2018 by jaysalam (220 points)
Actually you can already do this.

I will say that Presonus must not have felt it was very important since they pretty well hid it and don't make a big deal of it in the manual.

To get to it, go the the main menu and click on Song/Information/Notes.

That opens the note pad and you can enter what you like and save it. It stays with the song.

Presonus you need to put a much more convenient link for this VERY useful item.