Questions & Answers

Can not get sound from both speakers and headphones simultaniously. Please help.

0 votes
asked May 1, 2018 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by alper_can (390 points)

Hello guys. Im little bad with the techy stuff and new to recording. I recently bought studio 192 mobile. I constantly rotate between speakers and headphones. Each time I have to choose either of them as the main output source for the moment (cant choose both). When I had Firestudio Project there was only one output source and I could get sound from both speakers and headphone. I just had to adjust speaker or headphone volume knob when switching.
 Is there anyway I can set it up the same way, so each time I dont have to go to Control Panel (choose headphone or speaker), DAW output (same thing), or any other program (skype, games, etc.)

I think it has something to do with "Cue" ing from Universal Control but couldnt figure it out. Step by step explanation would be amazing. Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 1, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer
Read these sections in the user manual.

5.4 Monitor Mixing with Z-Mix — 42
5.4.1 Z-Mix Functions — 43

You can find the user guide on the download page for Studio 192 here:

Also, make sure you're using the Studio 192 Template in Studio One when setting up a new song so the Audio I/O routing is setup for you.