Questions & Answers

Where and how to hookup headphone for vocals

0 votes
asked May 12, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by cuggi51 (150 points)
Using studiolive 24.4...what input do i use for vocal monitoring? Shld be pretty simple..but i dnt get it. At one point i plugged it in, and i cld hear the playback from what was recorded. but i cldnt hear the mic at the same time., or at all through the headphones even when not playing something back. .can someone help. And explain what input to use, and maybe exactly what on the studio live has to be engaged in order to hear in the headphones whats coming from the mic...

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
selected Jun 22, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer
There is a headphone jack on the bottom front right of the console. You can solo individual channels and then turn up the "Phones" knob in the Monitors section of the console. Check out the "Monitoring Controls" section of the manual to get more details on how to set up the Solo function to your liking.