Questions & Answers

Please add the hiding of unused channels in UC

+82 votes
asked May 17, 2018 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by Logen2012 (440 points)
This feature request has been asked for years now and I just don't understand why it can't be added to UC.

Having to scroll through all 32 channels on UC with my RML32, when I may only be using a few of them in some circumstances is just a huge pain in the butt. It seems like it would be an easy feature fix since others have already done it, but still nothing. Presonus, is there anything in works to add the ability to hide channels that are not being used in order to save space on the screen? It would make life so much easier. PLEASE and Thank you.

3 Answers

+7 votes
answered May 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+3 votes
answered Oct 2, 2018 by corbincamp (2,170 points)
This needs to happen. I know you can use DCA groups and subgroups on the aux. What you can't do is hide channel in an Aux send. Example, my wedge monitors don't need drum channels where my in-ears might.
+2 votes
answered May 10, 2019 by youngboy1606 (680 points)
Your competion, Soundcraft, has this ability. They are called views and you can set up numerous ones that are easily flipped to depending on need. I use the largest Ipad available still find myself scrolling endlessly. Do I really need to see a bunch of channels that I am not dynamically mixing?

I suspect people don't come in here and mark stuff because its hard to find and the company rarely cares. So you must have a threshold of thumbs up to get something in. What might I ask is that number?