Questions & Answers

Make Studio One Portable

+20 votes
asked May 22, 2018 in Look and Feel by davidmay1 (380 points)
I would like Presonus to add the ability to go portable for Studio One. Recently after my hard drive failed i had to reorganise my whole system, unsure if I was going to upgrade from Win 8.1 to Win10 I dragged and dropped Studio One onto other drives and experimented with Linux and My Win7 notebook etc. Studio One worked pretty well with the drag and drop, and with the locations path section in options it could be very easy to be set up on a USB stick or small USB3 Drive. So I could take it with me when  I visit and work with friends. I would use their hard drive for recording and caching.

So what I would ask is that the locations path in SO also include the ability for user to set locations for any other files that Presonus may use. i.e. %Aappdata% or %Program Data% and registry.  And for portable authorization you could include a registration system that would take notice of my USB drives id/serial number that I install to instead of the network settings.(I have problems with this anyway as I use USB mobile ethernet cards for internet which doesn't always show up in windows.)

The Idea of portability is that I would not have to install it on many devices, now currently allowed is about 5, but only on one USB stick and it could load to memory and use the local hard drive to record to.

As a comparison Ableton Live 9 lite installer writes 100's of registrations for files it installs into the Windows registry and if you want to move it, it takes many hours of hand editing to change the drive location. so Presonus is already pretty good in that respect.

Being able to take Studio One with me in a USB around my neck on the train or bus to my colegues place would be cool,

I hope you will consider this for studio one.

Thanks very much.

I have SO Artist, a 64bit Win 8.1 PC but have been using both So for 32 & 64 bit as I was looking to get acquire VST compat for Artist.

2 Answers

+3 votes
answered May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2021 by jonkcronck (150 points) i guess 16 votes were not enough to become a high priority case.

But it would be very interesting for me too. So if there are any new developements (planned), it would be great to know