Questions & Answers

What are the changes in the recent v2.02 firmware update for Faderport 8? Release notes?

0 votes
asked May 22, 2018 in FaderPort 8 by alanchrisotpherson (150 points)

I think the title question says it, but I'd like to know what changes/improvements were made. I upgraded Universal Control and the subsequent FP8 v2.02 update.

I'm curious if there were any updates for compatibility with CuBase 9.5.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer
We did a small update to Fader code to address complaints about fine tuned fader movements in earlier version releases which some people were seeing. We would strongly suggest going over your songs that you've already mixed in your DAW of choice (in your case Cubase) and see if it's better, which we hope it is.
asked Mar 21, 2019 in FaderPort 8 by paulcirolezamarodrguez (160 points) Fadeport 8 updated for Reaper