Questions & Answers

Sample One XT and Impact XT sample storage

+27 votes
asked May 23, 2018 in Studio One 4 by erichallman (670 points)
Good afternoon Community!

What an exciting update!

Does anyone know when we add our own samples to Sample One and/or Impact (old or XT) if they are stored with the project or are they just linked to wherever they are stored in our computer.

I was up all night playing with the update and noticed that none of the samples I used in Impact XT or Sample One XT were located in the media folder in the project directory.

I have the setting set to copy external files to the media folder and also tried going under Song > copy External Files and it said there were no files to copy.

My concern is if I delete the samples from my computer or open the project in another computer that doesn't have the same samples are those instruments empty leaving the project un-useable?

Any insight is greatly appreciated!

Rock on Presonus team!!!!

11 Answers

+4 votes
answered May 25, 2018 by erichallman (670 points)
edited May 26, 2018 by erichallman
I opened a ticket for this request and have started a dialog with Presonus Support.

Right now Sample One and Impact only point to the location the samples are stored on your computer.

If you delete the samples or open the song on a system that doesn't have the samples your instruments will be blank and you will get the notification that there are missing files.

I tried exporting as an Instrument & preset but the samples are not copied with that option.

I will update again as soon as I have any more insight or a work around.

EDIT: Export Sampler File did work.However, if you do not name your tracks and presets (Sampler File) accordingly you may still have issues. You still get an error when opening the song but then you just either drag and drop the .soundx file onto the instrument or import it into the instrument. I personally feel maybe this was something PreSonus may have overlooked. Ideally the samples should be copied into the Media folder or as an alternative the Sampler file should be autogenerated, named and resaved every time the song is saved. Probably copying the samples used to the Media folder would be simplest route, but I'm no programmer. The work around for now will at least be functional, just time consuming.
0 votes
answered May 26, 2018 by ericbiggins (590 points)
Did you try exporting as "export sampler file" that worked for me.
+1 vote
answered May 27, 2018 by grimeyneedle (3,890 points)
Its already there.  Plus if you export from Sample One as a multisample you can use the file in Presence XT.  Thats major since it make it easy to create your own instruments albeit not as great as with the editor.
+1 vote
answered Jun 1, 2018 by gottfriedbergmair (16,530 points)
There is a PreSonus extension called "Sound Set Builder" for sharing sample files between different computers and platforms using virtual instruments. Sound Set Builder uses the Sound Set Files and will be integrated in the Studio One 3/4 browser when it is installed. Just download it from the PreSonus Exchange cloud. The user manual will be added to the S1 help menu.
+2 votes
answered Jun 4, 2018 by lechbialek (660 points)
I have the same issue and filed a support ticket, this needs to be fixed. Now we can't manage the imported samples in any way, you don't get a warning they are missing either when you open the project!
+3 votes
answered Jun 7, 2018 by ansolas (4,280 points)
It would be nice if "copy external files" would also affect impact and sampleone without manually saving it as sample file
0 votes
answered Jun 17, 2018 by joachimsvare (3,150 points)
They need to look at how its done Logic and in Phalanx. In Logic get the option to save the EXS samples, and instruments, into your project folder when you save the song. Phlanx does it even smarter. The samples get saved into the song document. I have never had a problem with missing samples (like when I use Battery). Also amazing when you swap projects between computers. The samples are always there!
0 votes
answered Aug 24, 2018 by grimeyneedle (3,890 points)
the samples used to be added to pool which you could copy to the song folder for some reason this was removed
0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2018 by jean-philippefalcon (430 points)
Same request here, please fix this issue, all my workflow rely on the ability to catch all the samples in use by a project and rename them in the pool. At this time I just can't work with studio one 4 for sample packs creation. Basically, anyone who work in the audio industrie (sample selling) need a fast accès to the sample they've used in their drum sampler.

Thanks :)
0 votes
answered Jan 3, 2019 by troymuss (610 points)
So I think this works pretty much like in s1 version 3 with the soundset builder, create a folder , right click that folder in the browser and mount folder for soundset, export sampler file to that folder, in that folder create another folder called presets, go back to sampler one xt and export preset to that folder. Once all your sounds are complete using this method right click again in the browser on the folder you created and pack soundset for folder. Now this is the way it work in v3 for presence xt . I will have to try this in version 4.1.1 and see if the soundset installs for sample one xt
0 votes
answered Jan 3, 2019 by troymuss (610 points)
Ok so yes i was correct its the same procedure as if you were creating a library in v3 presence using soundset builder, If anyone wants the full instructions Ive created a procedure for it, email me at [email protected] or find me in the presonus facebook groups Troy Musson