Questions & Answers

Patterns: Automation display pretty buggy (VST!)!

+2 votes
asked May 25, 2018 in Editing by masterJoe (2,560 points)
retagged Jun 5, 2018 by masterJoe
Oh my... the pattern editor automation lane is rather buggy when using VST params!

Please fix the following bugs:

(1) Automation is wrong scaled!
Try a pattern with 1/16 lanes and one 1/64 lane. Draw an automation curve (steps) for a VST mapped param. Click on one of the 1/16 lanes and then on the 1/64 lane. The automation does NOT match the pattern. This is simply misleading!

(2) All velocitys for automation steps show same velocity!
Draw an automation for a VST mapped param with different values for each step. Play back the pattern in a loop. Look at the values that are written above each step. Stop the song at any point. This is not right!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 25, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer

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