Questions & Answers

Will upgrading to Studio One 4, and buying Komplete Kontrol Mk2 be in "VAIN?" (Need Support ASAP!)

+22 votes
asked May 31, 2018 in Studio One 4 by MauriceCScott (420 points)
I upgrading to Studio One 4, which is what motivated me to purchase Komplete Kontrol Mk2.  To my amazement I found out that Presonus has not even added support for integration in Studio One 4.  I am very, very disappointed with this!!!

4 Answers

+5 votes
answered Jun 1, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
There are several posts already asking for this feature, please do a search and vote on one of them.
+1 vote
answered May 31, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Out of curiosity, what gave you the impression that Komplete Kontrol was integrated with Studio One? I saw a lot of people complaining about how they thought Maschine and Komplete Kontrol were totally integrated with Studio One. I'd love it if they were integrated outside of basic MIDI controller templates and stuff but I never thought that was a flagship feature or anything like that.
+3 votes
answered Nov 16, 2018 by mischeeddins (270 points)

Maurice, I just cut right to the chase and emailed support directly about this yesterday, as I'm in the exact same situation. Here's the response I got: (btw, if you search 'Komplete Kontrol Support' in the Feature Request Forum, one pops up with about 350 votes so add yours to it!) Hope this helps!

Hello Mische,

I am not currently aware of a full implementation of this nature. Technically speaking, the responsibility of that type of feature ultimately would reside with Native Instruments. However, we love hearing about what our users are passionate about and we do act on request if they gain traction with a majority of our userbase. 

If you would like to make a feature request for StudioOne to be added in a future release, we have a forum section specifically for Feature Requests.

*You must be logged into the Answers Site in order to post your feature request.

Read through the previous posts to see if your request is already added by another user. If so, post in their listing to add to the numbers requesting the feature you would like to see added.

Link to previous feature requests:

Thank you,

+2 votes
answered Nov 20, 2018 by shanepayne1 (3,770 points)
I'm just UPvoting everything and commenting to remind you that WE didn't forget!

Note: I am sure native instruments is a huge factor in the integration.

 However, I am also sure that since they have already intergrated with logic & Live They would be willing to work with Presonus as well.

Also, Considering your own integration with other software such as Melodyne, Console one, softube tape, & Vocalign, I am sure you could take integration even further and add features Such as recording the OUTPUT of the "Smart features" directly into the piano roll for editing with your own midi tools!