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5.1+ Surround Mixing with Suggested Channel Strip [Completed 6.5]

+146 votes
asked Jun 20, 2018 in Completed Feature Requests by minjaesong (450 points)
recategorized Sep 26, 2023 by Lukas Ruschitzka

Surround Output Suggestion with Channel Strip UI

This is yet another "add surround" suggestion, but this time with UI suggestion as well.

Two Busses, Surr Rev and LFE Lowpass are surround bus, takes surround audio as an input. The current channel, "Test Inst." is stereo channel but outputs surround via Surround Panner. Surround Panner is directly accessible in the channel strip, replacing normal pan slider. Surround panner takes a few options, one of which is "Speaker Placement and Panning Law", which is a projects' setting. Here 5.1 ITU speaker placement and -3 dB of panning law is configured. There's 5 dots around the surround panner, they shows speaker placement according to the surround setup (5.1 ITU, 7.1 Dolby, 7.1 SDDS, etc. look them up, they're all different!). Since this is a stereo channel, VU metre should show 6 bars for surround output (I just forgot to draw). Surround panner is showing 2 dots, it's also because it's stereo channel. You should be able to change their degrees of separation.

To correspond this, Audio IO Setup's Outputs tab should have a button named "Add ({0})" where '{0}' is the projects' configuration as String (e.g. 5.1 Surround, 6.1 Surround, 7.1 Surround, Atmos 5.1.2, etc. etc.)

This suggestion assumes planar speaker setup (== no height channels), but if the output surround format does have height channels (e.g. Atmos, Auro 3D), spherical panning should be used (now it's becoming too closer to Logic Pro X...), perhaps you can just drop support for these and concentrate on 5.1/7.1 panning.

Suggested panning laws to be implemented: -3 dB (default), equal-power, -4.5 dB, -6 dB.

8 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 26, 2023 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer
Completed in 6.5
–1 vote
answered Jun 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)

This feature request has already exists, please do a search before asking, vote for and post your comment to that instead of creating a new entry. 

+5 votes
answered Jan 2, 2021 by shayneoneill2 (500 points)
The "Duplicate" issue has been hidden for ~ReaSoNs~ apparently. So I guess this is the main request thread.
+2 votes
answered May 31, 2021 by ericdoriean (1,160 points)
This is needed. UI suggestion is great
+2 votes
answered Jul 29, 2021 by intotheforest (760 points)
Yes, Please add surround sound support for studio one!
+1 vote
answered Aug 17, 2021 by romaindescampe (3,790 points)
That would be great indeed!
0 votes
answered Nov 6, 2021 by taylorscott2 (4,300 points)
This would be so amazing
+1 vote
answered Dec 8, 2021 by jonhough (230 points)
Truly the only thing that has me using anything but Studio One.  As a weird subset of users who produce, edit, mix both Music and Video productions it would make my life so much easier!!  Please???