Questions & Answers

Can I connect a FireStudio Device (SL 24.4.2) and Quantum on the same computer?

0 votes
asked Jun 20, 2018 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by Wally (240 points)
I have a legacy SL24.4.2 connected to my Mac Mini via a Firewire to Thunderbolt adapter. Works great in StudioOne 3 on Sierra. I use this interface when recording the whole band.

I want to purchase a Quantum interface and connect it to the same computer. (To replace my dead FireStudio mobile). This will have the Studio monitors and vocal booth connections.

I really need both interfaces to run at the same time so I can record from the SL24 and listen to the Studio Monitors or Headphones on the Quantum.

I assume the control software for the Quantum is still some form of Universal Control.

My big question is can 2 versions of Universal Control co-exsist on the same computer? And be used at the same time?



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 21, 2018 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
selected Jun 21, 2018 by Wally
Best answer

Yes, both versions of UC can co-exist on the computer.

However, only one Audio Device can be used with Studio One at a time (Windows) and on Mac, S1 can select 1 recording device and 1 playback device, but you cannot use both devices at the same time for both recording and playback.

There is no feature or function for Classic StudioLive and Quantum devices to act as one device.
