Questions & Answers

SL 24.4.2 Classic Sudden Drop In Volume, Sometimes Low When Turning On

0 votes
asked Nov 9, 2018 in Classic Mixers by crazenizz (150 points)
For some reason, my StudioLive mixer will sometimes boot up at a very low volume, but after a while it will return to normal level.  There was one time when I clicked "Get" on Universal Control, and it immediately solved the problem, but to no avail since then.  It also drops in volume randomly at times, and then eventually returns to normal.  It's never in normal time intervals, and the meters never really peak, so I'm not sure what else to consider at this point.  Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 16, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer

If your StudioLive mixer's factory presets were lost after a firmware update, the board is not passing audio, not working as expected or being unresponsive; you can reset your StudioLive to its Factory Default Settings. Check out this link in our knowledge base:

Also if you want to keep your user created presets or scenes, you will need to back them up. Check out this link in our knowledge base:

If the issue remains, create a support ticket. 
