Questions & Answers

Can I automate IMPACT XTs trigger?

0 votes
asked Jun 28, 2018 in Studio One 4 by martyc1 (1,850 points)
Looking for a way to change the trigger from One Shot to Normal via automation. Why? Because some samples have long tails I'd like to cut at times.  Or, I could just load the sample twice and use one as a one shot and the other as normal but I'm still wondering if I can automate the trigger.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 29, 2018 by lawrencefarr (221,490 points)
Best answer

It doesn't appear so.  If you look through all of the automatable parameters for an instrument or plugin and don't see it and/or it can't be linked to a MIDI CC or something, it can't be automated.

Best Regards,