Questions & Answers

Can I use QMi x-UC as wireless in ear monitor?

+13 votes
asked Jul 3, 2018 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by jeremyjordan1 (650 points)
Hello I would like to suggest that current QMix-UC and uc-surface offer in ear monitoring thur smartphone and/or tablet. It seems as this should already be capable with QMix-UC current setup, however I do not receive any audio output. A company Audiofusion has created third party software to accomplish this type of setup. However, I like the intergration presonus software and hardware provides. We are a small church and although the cost of the third party software is a huge savings compared to the current hardware available. We are hoping that your current software we already have could provide the same capabilities now or in the very near future. Thank you for your support and continual excellence with the products and services you provide.
related to an answer for: wifi in-ear monitors

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jul 5, 2018 by benpierce (99,500 points)
Best answer

Thanks for the feature request!

+5 votes
answered Jul 7, 2018 by enochgitonga (630 points)
Now that Presonus is an active member of AVnu with the Milan initiative I hope we can soon realise WiFi AVB. Presonus is better placed than Audiofusion who are strictly a software solution because they have the hardware and software expertise as well as experience with audio networking. In fact the next EarMix can either be an app on a smart device; or a new device that supports both wired or wireless AVB, Bluetooth 5.0 for headphones, earphones and speakers, and powered by rechargeable removable battery. It would be great to have an AVB WiFi router than connected devices can grab AVB WiFi streams from.