Questions & Answers

MIDI Keyboard Studio One Bundle for Australia Customers (ALDI Market, Huxley, etc)

+1 vote
asked Dec 8, 2015 in Studio One 3 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
We have learned of a bundle that was assembled by a third party that may cause problems with customers who purchase a special MIDI Keyboard called the Huxley M-49 that comes bundled with a Studio One disc and a product key code from ALDI Market stores in Australia.

The bundle comes with a Studio One 2.6 disc and a Studio One 3 product code. The problem is that once the disc is installed, the Product Key will not unlock the software.

How can this be fixed?

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 8, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
edited Dec 8, 2015 by ghasenbeck
Best answer

The bundle comes with a Studio One 2.6 disc and a Studio One 3 product code. The problem is that once the disc is installed, the Product Key will not unlock the software. This is to be expected. The Studio One 3 product will not unlock a Studio One 2 authorization. The company that put the bundle together put an older version of the software on the disc.

To resolve this issue, please discard the Studio One 2.6 disc. The product code you have is for Studio One 3 Artist which can be downloaded from our website in your account at

Go here to get started and follow the steps for registering, download, and running your software:

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)

We are getting reports from Germany that a similar bundle with the Nektar LX49 keyboard is also showing up with a Studio One 2.6 disc and a Studio One 3 product code. The problem is that once the disc is installed, the Product Key will not unlock the software. 

The solution to the problem is the same as the best answer provided here. 

To resolve this issue, please discard the Studio One 2.6 disc. The product code you have is for Studio One 3 Artist which can be downloaded from our website in your account at 

Go here to get started and follow the steps for registering, download, and running your software: 

0 votes
answered May 10, 2016 by rossburdon (150 points)
Note: They also packaged it as working with Mac PowerPC on OSX 10.5. It doesn't.

Precision Audio, the suppliers, are not keen to remedy nor to refund unless you pay the postage.

If I keep this keyboard, can anyone suggest software that would work on a PPC under OSX 10.5.8?