Questions & Answers

Lets make the toolbars a little more intuitive

+7 votes
asked Jul 14, 2018 in Editing by Zbest56Dubstep (3,190 points)
As it is currently, the toolbar in the MIDI editor is different from the seuencer and audio editor. I understand that some tools(Bend, Range) aren't applicable in the MIDI editor but my problem is in the shortcuts. I can't set the shortcut for say the pencil tool to be the same in both editors as the only tools that show up in the keyboard shortcuts menu are "tool 1, tool 2, etc." So either we need a way to change the MIDI editor tool shortcuts seperately(the more elegant solution) OR we need to use the same toolbar in the MIDI editor, but perhaps with the non-applicable tools greyed out, this way the keyboard shortcuts stay the same.(or perhaps both?) Its really frustrating having to rejig your mind to use the MIDI editor and then do the same again to use the sequencer.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 14, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
edited Jul 14, 2018 by robertgray3

Yes please! I’ve been using Studio One every day for 8 months and this still trips me up frequently lol, having the toolbars be slightly different between the editors was just such a bad idea :D

Also there’s another request for this with more votes here: but, as is pretty common around here, it’s so long that it’s hard to tell what the issue is. I’m guilty of this myself on an FR or two lol!
