Questions & Answers

Is the CS18ai fully supported by Studio One 4 as it is in Studio One 3?

+1 vote
asked Jul 17, 2018 in Studio One 4 by dotcom12161984 (4,440 points)
Is the CS18ai fully supported by Studio One 4 as it is in Studio One 3?  Everywhere i search there's no documentation on anything but Studio One 3.  I assume it does but i would like to be sure.

8 Answers

+3 votes
answered Aug 31, 2018 by tonyvella1 (200 points)
I dont think it is. Does anyone know as I am trying to set up this combination. Im just about over Presonus not having there gear all talking together.
0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2018 by jasonhood (270 points)
Looks like it’s still a NO
0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2018 by grod (210 points)
I believe it’s product rotation...:( retailers are pushing out the old product because according to them it’s dead technology...I love presonus, why can’t they just Add an update or something. Presonus.:-/ instead of  making a faderport 16 or24 save the cs18ai! Looks like a badass console! We a lot of people want it!! Come one presonus!
+2 votes
answered Sep 25, 2018 by sebastienarios (190 points)
Yes, i have the CS18ai, i'm thinking about the upgrade from studio one 3.5 to the 4, but beacause it is impossible to use my cs18ai with studio one 4 i can't !
Really waiting for a total compatibility between studio one 4 and my cs18ai, like it is ine studio one 3.5 !!!
Please , at presonus, don't forget cs18ai users !!!
0 votes
answered Sep 25, 2018 by grod (210 points)

It sux that you’re missing out on it man..:(I don’t own a cs18ai yet but I saw it on sale and it looks great! I would prefer buying that instead of the faderport 16. I already own a faderport 8 but I want something bigger. The series 3 consoles are still a little pricey. The  f16 and the cs18ai are both 1,000, I would rather go for the cs18ai.. I think if I ran business operations, instead of investing money on developing a new product, I would invest that money on an update and save money. Everyone would be happy and it would be a win win for everybody...
+2 votes
answered Jan 8, 2019 by romansavrulin (1,580 points)
Guys,  actually it works flawlessly in SO 4 Pro version. If you use Artist just add remote control upgrade, it shuld work.
–1 vote
answered Feb 8, 2019 by adamarthur1 (510 points)
@romansavrulin, have you noticed anything on the StudioLive CS18AI that does NOT support SO 4?
0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2019 by christhomas15 (2,780 points)
edited Feb 9, 2019 by christhomas15
Yes the cs18Ai is compatible with studio one 4 first step buy a  Edimax EW-7811Un  adapter from Amazon it's cheap but nice then  download firmware 9203 and do a firmware reset. After you turn the mixer off put the Edimax EW-7811Un into the USB port. Open  Studio one 4 and add ucnet as a controller in settings. Then press the ucnet button on the CS18ai. You will see wireless network. Disable your antivirus program, Then log in to your wifi network from your CS18ai. Press store after you logged in. Then open a studio one session. You should see Studio one 4 on your CS18ai screen. enjoy your paired cs18Ai with studio one 4 . Then reenable your antivirus program. Just make sure you have studio one 4 as a exclusion to your firewall and antivirus