Questions & Answers

Studio One 4 Bugs

0 votes
asked Jul 17, 2018 in Studio One 4 by michaelfitchett (130 points)
edited Jul 17, 2018 by michaelfitchett

This post is in no way a discredit to Studio One 4 it's only meant to help the QA and Dev team so I can enjoy the software more =)

Bugs I've found

  • When double-clicking on a midi layer in the track window, the midi editor window no longer resizes to full width.
  • When double-clicking on a midi layer in the track window, the midi editor no longer scrolls the notes into view.
  • When double-clicking on a midi layer in the track window, the midi editor is sometimes blank, forcing you to create another track and or click it then double-click again on the desired layer in the desired track.
  • When selecting all notes in a midi layer and changing the pitch (for example B 2 to B 1) the notes are being changed to a A# 1.

Computer Specs

  • Windows 10 Pro
  • Intel Core i9-7920X
  • Scarlett 18i20
  • 32GB 2400 MHz memory

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 18, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
The first two aren’t bugs, experiment with holding ALT and double clicking or single clicking Instument parts. They changed the behavior to be more in line with version 2 behavior I think- a lot of people liked it better that way I guess. I liked v3’s handling better myself but it’s different now and the alt modifier allows situational handling.

As for the last two I haven’t seen those yet, will test sometime