Please consider adding Mix Snapshots to Studio One in the v3 cycle. Thanks.
What Are Mix Snapshots?
A snapshot, sometimes referred to as a scene, is a moment in time of a mixer. All settings like faders, pans, FX chains, and automation. When you save a snapshot it stores the state of all of those things for recall at any later time.
How Would Mix Snapshots Improve On Studio One's Song Versions Function?
Versions are great, especially for checkpoint style full song backups and alternate arrangements, but they have one comparative downside as relates to using them to store multiple mixes, that every time you load a version it has to reload the entire song. While this is just a minor annoyance for audio projects, reloading entire electronic productions (all instruments) on larger projects is a much bigger comparative annoyance,
Additionally, for the same reason, full song loading and the time it takes, it becomes more difficult to easily A/B different mixes.,
With snapshots, nothing reloads but plugins and channel states, not 20 gb of instruments.
Where Can I See Examples Of Mix Snapshots in Action In Other Software?
It's clearly of value, as demonstrated with "Scenes" on the range of Studio Live consoles. Same thing really.