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asked Aug 11, 2018 in Studio One 4 by musicianniaz (120 points)
Hi everyone! So, I’m having a problem, that I’ve never encountered before with Studio One 3 Pro 3.5.6. I’ve literally just upgraded to the S1-4 a week ago. I continue working on my latest song, that I was previously working on with S1-3P. On S1-4, I had added some more plugins and whatnot, and it was driving the cpu usage bar to its max repeatedly. Here, I did something, that I never had done before- I changed the sample rate of the song from 96 to 48 but kept the resolution at 24. After I changed the sample rate, and I’m now working on 48 khz with 24 bit res, my cpu usage is at around 55%, so, I’m very happy. However, I started noticing crackling sounds during playbacks and especially in the beginning of the song. For example, I’d press play, and after a measure or two, I’d hear a crackling sound. I tried switching back to 96 khz and even removed a few cpu hungry plugins, but the problem continued on. I started a brand new project and loaded all my tracks into the new session to start “fresh,” but I still hear the same crackling sound. So, I thought, that it maybe a playback issue. So. I tried exporting the song to a mixdown. Sure enough, that crackling sound recorded into the mixdown file. I’ve checked the tracks individually for digital distortions or otherwise any new anomalies, but they were just fine individually. What can I possibly do to fix this issue? Please help! Thanks in advance!