Questions & Answers

Sound coming out of the headphone jack of my 192 mobile stopped working.

+1 vote
asked Aug 18, 2018 in Studio One 4 by romanrobbins (130 points)
MacOS High Sierra version 10.13.6
iMac - 3.4 GHz Intel Core i5
16 GB 2400 MHz DDR4

Studio 192 Mobile
Firmware: DSP v1.8-39
Serial Number: STMB16100102

Studio One Professional OSX x64 (Built on Mar 20 2018)

Sound coming out of the main headphone jack of my 192 mobile stopped working. I tested the headphones on another device and they are okay. I see the main meter running as if it's receiving signal, but I hear nothing. I re-installed Universal Control and my version of Studio One Professional and that did not help. I get no sound when using S1 or something basic like iTunes or Youtube. This is out of the blue - worked as expected last night.