Come on, please add this feature already.. I mostly stopped using S1 for composing, and it's because of this reason only. It also is the only reason why I didn't upgrade since Version 3. And I don't plan on updating, as long as this feature is missing. Because it's mind numbing how many good Ideas I lost due the lack of this feature. My head will always be like "why didn't i press record". AND the feature would save me from recording tons of useless stuff (If I use S1, I will often just record the midi, in case something great happens, which results in countless hours of mediocre midi recordings stacking up. It's really a dealbreaker for anyone who is composing, hence most DAWs added it in the last years, I guess. It's sad, because S1 is totally my preferred DAW, if it wasn't for this. The updates are good and everything, but this is requested for so long by so many people, it's dissapointing by now. Especially because you always say how you have implemented a lot of user requests in the new versions. That's it, I needed to get this out upon seeing this is still not implemented in Ver5.