Questions & Answers

Worst thing about Studio One imo: Working with loops. Better drumstretching/vocalstretching. More algorithms (Ableton).

+28 votes
asked Nov 19, 2018 in Editing by florianfreimann (5,010 points)
edited Apr 17, 2019 by florianfreimann
I dont think its intuitive enough to work with loops in Studio One. Here Ableton is ahead. Maybe implement more stretching algorithms and a more intuitive way to stretch drumloops without stretching the samples.

I would love to see better sample and loopediting workflow and functionality like in Ableton Live. I think Ableton is ahead with loop workflow(not only with stretching). Studio One would is nice for electronic music but would be much better if it had more loop functionality.

(Also: I can't see clearly which algorithm is used as my loop isn't stretched correctly although tempo is correct. After stretching it manually: Is now the drum-algorithm active as seen in the inspector or are my samples squeezed?)

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 19, 2018 by ryanm1 (8,420 points)
Of course whatever algorithm you select is what is will use. What else would it use?

My only problem is, solo mode messes with the timing. Also a full blown looping mode would be great (either clips or allow events to loop independently).
+1 vote
answered Nov 25, 2020 by one20ne (930 points)
The whole sample workflow still needs improvement, the DAW is still geared towards EDM producer, with us others out here trying to make it work. The tape timestretch feature they added recently is a step in the right direction. Hopefully they realize the way to have not just the "fastest growing DAW on the market" to the most powerful and best used DAW on the market is to gear in the direction FL and Ableton has which is for hip hop and modern pop. The sample editing and workflow needs a consultant who makes that kind of music in a DAW to help guide them maybe.
0 votes
answered Sep 27, 2022 by josephbae (1,750 points)
i would love to see better algorithms for time-stretching. It is one of the biggest pitfalls of studio one. working with loops is impossible because of this.