Questions & Answers

Using a 600 mA 16VAC adapter for the Presonus HP4

0 votes
asked Aug 27, 2018 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by seckinsefi (150 points)
Hello all,

I have bought a Presonus HP4 from ebay. It was sold without an adapter. Apparently it is the old version and uses a 16VAC adapter rather than the new ones which uses 12VDC adapter. I found an 16VAC adapter on an online retailer but it is sold as an 600mA rather than 1A. Would it be a big problem for my Presonus HP4, or just the adapter will get hotter than usual?

Best regards.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 6, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
No that will not work. You need to make sure the current draw is the same or larger than the device. If you use that adapter with the lower current output, it could potentially damage both the power supply and the unit you're plugged into.

You'll need to find one that's 16VAC 1A or greater, also written as 1000mA.