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Add Keystrokes within macros

+17 votes
asked Dec 15, 2015 in Studio One Feature Requests by mycbeats (710 points)
For example you could use a macro to add insert, have it type F+A+T, press enter (Currently under navigation), and it will load Fat Channel.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 17, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Thanks for the suggestion mycbeats.

If anyone else like this idea, please vote it up.

The more people vote on the questions, the more likely it will be included in a future update.
0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2016 by scoredfilms (6,850 points)
+1 I'd also like to see the ability to paint/draw a note in the piano roll, or input a cc value or a pattern of cc values. I'm not saying I want those specific things (although I do) as much as I want the ability to use more "input" functionality with macros. That way I could make a couple "MIDI Event Presets". This way I could create 5 different "Crecendo" presets that were all slightly different... effectively humanizing the cc dynamic data or vibrato data, as well as velocity and timing. I would use it for far more than that alone. But I believe 'data input' needs to be a part of the macro functionality. I'm still new to the platform. But so far that did stand out to me.