Questions & Answers

Studio One 4 Installer hangs at "Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable"

0 votes
asked Sep 9, 2018 in Studio One 4 by Adria S. (900 points)
Currently using Studio One 3 under Windows 7.   Bought the upgrade to SO 4, and am trying to install.

When the installer tries to unpack/install the C++ redistributable, it hangs.  Here are the installer details:

Execute: "TASKKILL.exe" /F /IM "PlugInScanner.exe" /T
Output folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4
Skipped: Studio One.exe
Output folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\license
Skipped: 3rd Party Licenses.txt
Skipped: EULA.txt
Skipped: EULA-de.txt
Skipped: EULA-zh.txt
Skipped: EULA-ja.txt
Skipped: EULA-fr.txt
Skipped: EULA-es.txt
Skipped: EULA-pt.txt
Skipped: EULA-it.txt
Delete file: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\de\Offline Activation Guide.pdf
Remove folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\de\
Delete file: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\en\FaderPort Series - Studio One Guide.pdf
Delete file: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\en\Offline Activation Guide.pdf
Remove folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\en\
Delete file: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\es\Offline Activation Guide.pdf
Remove folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\es\
Delete file: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\fr\Offline Activation Guide.pdf
Remove folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\fr\
Delete file: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\helpindex.xml
Delete file: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\ja\Offline Activation Guide.pdf
Remove folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\ja\
Remove folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\
Output folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help
Extract: helpindex.xml... 100%
Output folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\de
Extract: Offline Activation Guide.pdf... 100%
Output folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\en
Extract: FaderPort Series - Studio One Guide.pdf... 100%
Extract: Offline Activation Guide.pdf... 100%
Output folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\es
Extract: Offline Activation Guide.pdf... 100%
Output folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\fr
Extract: Offline Activation Guide.pdf... 100%
Output folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help\ja
Extract: Offline Activation Guide.pdf... 100%
Output folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4\help
Output folder: C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 4
Skipped: ccltext.dll
Skipped: cclsystem.dll
Skipped: cclwinrt.dll
Skipped: cclsecurity.dll
Skipped: cclgui.dll
Skipped: cclnet.dll
Skipped: ucnet.dll
Skipped: vectorlib.dll
Output folder: C:\Users\ADRYAS~1\AppData\Local\Temp
Skipped: vcredist_x64.exe
Execute: "C:\Users\ADRYAS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vcredist_x64.exe" /install /passive /norestart

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 10, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Run Windows Update to update your system. Studio One is built on the latest libraries, if your system is outdated you'll get errors like this.