Questions & Answers

Studio one 4 will not download has error code c:\program files\presonus\studio one 4\ cdburn\x86\difxinst32.exe'.

0 votes
asked Jan 5, 2019 in Studio One 4 by calvinschut (120 points)
studio one will download but has an error code, not sure how to get this to download.  c:\program files\presonus\studio one 4\ cdburn\x86\difxinst32.exe'. not sure how to get around this.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 5, 2019 by jamesmoore23 (140 points)
I'm getting the samething idk why that is popping up.. I have a 32 bit and the program is also 32 bit i just dont get why that error is popping up.. A Refund is in order cause 299 is a waste especially when you're having problems like this...Are there any fixes before i get my money back?
0 votes
answered May 25, 2019 by pedrogaleano (180 points)
edited May 25, 2019 by pedrogaleano
@calvinschut This may occur because you are triying install a 64bits version of Studio One in a 32bits operative system. Presonus Studio One is only available for 64bits.
0 votes
answered May 25, 2019 by pedrogaleano (180 points)
@jamesmoore23  Try reinstall Gear software drivers.