Questions & Answers

The integration of Binaural and Dual Pan in the console.

+12 votes
asked Sep 24, 2018 in Mixing by Mikesch (250 points)
reshown Sep 26, 2018 by Mikesch

I have seen many requests along this forum about certain types of new integration into the console.

One thing that I would love is being able to access Binaural/Dual Pan in the console strip.  You could throw the mixtool, phase invert in too while you're at it :P.

But not like the Binaural plugin is now, but an overhaul that would rival things like WaveArts Panorama, dear VR pro, or Logics built in Binaural panner.

Even further, perhaps OpenAir could be integrated with it as well, allowing you to choose your room, and then place your instrument anywhere you want in that room.  This would allow the opportunity for you guys to create custom impulse responses just for this task.

I guess all in all, it would be like binaural panning meets Altiverb meets UADs Ocean Way Studios plugin.  Should only take 3 years of development right? ;)

You would simply right click on the pan slider, showing your choices of L-R, Dual Pan, or Binaural.

A pretty huge request if you went all out.  Go big or go home I suppose.
